I honestly could not have asked for a better group of people to work with here at the Center for Creative Media!!!I am surrounded by so much love and opportunity here, as well as God stretching me in ways I did not know were possible,that transition has been mostly smooth. I left an extremely loved group of people back home however. They will definitely be missed and thought of during this new season of my life.
As of right now, I'm immediately diving into the production of Teen Mania's:Aquire the Fire. The launch of the 2010-2011 season is next month, so we are a bunch of busy bees running around like crazy.We have this thing called "quiet minute", which is to take a brief pause from our rushing around and reflect on the true reason of ATF: God's love and mercy. I'm officially allowed to call a "quiet minute" any time that I like!!This will for sure come in handy.
I was also blessed with the great opportunity to be a vocalist in our made-up worship team. Our executive producer/director will ask for a worship service, and I and three others will hold a mini service-God definitely pays attention to my small desires:) I have always wanted to be on the worship team, I just always had a conflicting schedule.Now it's integrated right into it!I love it!
I miss all of my Austinites and can''t wait to visit you for Thanksgiving!!!Your continuous support and prayers is extremely valued!