
Beyond the Aura:

I invite you to look into a window of my world. To share in my experiences through this exciting and unpredictable world.As an actress and artist,unpredictable is a part of my everyday vocabulary.It is an extremely divine yet sometimes worrying feeling.
However, through the constant hustle and bustle of my life, I remind myself of one of my favorite quotes:

"I don't know what the future holds,

but I do know WHO holds the future."

I encourage you to think on this quote daily;to surrender your everyday circumstances to God.

He knows your needs. He knows your desires. He is also very much aware of His plan for you.

I have just a small idea of what God wants to do with my life.As for that bit of small information,I'm happy to say that I know I have heard God's voice in this area.I have full and joyful confidence that He hears my prayers, so I know He is very in tune with yours as well.

With just small knowledge of where I am going in life, I must continue to run towards Him in full force,while putting NO limit on Him.

I plead with you! Don't put a limit on what God can do!!He has placed those godly desires in your heart for a reason.So don't give up on what is possible.

"With God,all things are possible."

However,you must be patient. He works in very mysterious ways, and it's always in His timing-which always is joyfully comedic to me.

Run for the prize to which God has called you heavenward!!!

So, go about your day, and let the Holy Spirit be a constant reminder that everything is in VERY capable hands.

God's love for you and me is so incomprehensible.Let Him sway you to a place of peace and joy. :)


Welcome to My World

Welcome to My World

Monday, November 15, 2010


It is time to move forward! Ah yes! to leap with full confidence and joy into life!
First of all, can I just say how excited I am!!! I mean,wow! God is just so good. He has brought friends into my life who are full of so much love, grace, and encouragement- after all they do have to witness the 24/7 of my life, so of course I am going to needs LOTS of grace!Like this morning, we had to run a timed two-miles, so my family core had the opportunity to witness one of my weakest physical moments( remember:I didn't run or do sports in high school so this was quite the challenge). But, I rejoice in the fact that it was the fastest I have ever run!! I was so excited!
We had  a women's retreat this weekend, and oh how I was refreshed! The weekend was so much more than I had expected: we baked pumpkin bread, had many sessions full of glorious worship and teaching,much fellowship with my core women, and a fancy banquet to close out the weekend. I feel like a new person, and God revealed himself in more ways than one. What I loved most about it was the love I felt. I know this may sound really cheesy, but because I posted the picture that I did with this, was because I am feeling overflowed with joy and love right now! (You probably wouldn't be surprised to know that I have been busting out in laughter at random.)

I am very much looking forward to Thanksgiving! I have the great opportunity to bring 5 of my friends home with me: one from Italy, one from the DR, one from Virginia, one from Canada, and one from NY. My family is excited to be the "family" for everyone this upcoming weekend.Their will be lots of food and fun! I know my mom and Ruth has some surprises planned=] teehee. 

I would also like to announce that I will continue acting in January! I have been in the production management for the past few months, and I have grown so much from it, but I am moving over to the acting track because God has been reminding me about what talents He has given me and that I need to use them. Man!!! I'm bursting with excitement! The film set/stage is like home for me. Hey, and if God has given me these talents, I'm blessed to use them for His glory!!!Like woot!woot!=]

I love you guys! I have the best family and supporters ever!luvluvluv!

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